



Biophilia is humans’ natural affinity for nature and nature’s ability to create calm and peace in a human being’s life. Biophilic interior design translates to bringing in as much of natural life, natural light, ventilation as well as maintaining as much organic form as you can in the interiors of a space.

Biophilic design works more keeping well and being in mind, rather than aesthetic. As human beings, we seek closeness to nature subconsciously. Interior designers in Bangalore can take special advantage of biophilic interior design given that we come from the garden city, and those in Bangalore who are looking for great design will already have an affinity for nature, greenery, and the outdoors.

As designers, we engage with this need of the human condition by creating biophilic design wherever possible. There are ways to do this without overwhelming a space. Over the last two centuries, the human connection to the natural world has diverged more and more to a point where we now engage with our indoor spaces far more than we ever have as a species.

Biophilia points us in the direction of our ancestry. Human beings, more than ever, crave natural materials, forms, and colors in our spaces. Indian interior design and architecture have always had a close relationship with nature and even our architecture has always allowed the outdoors into our spaces!

There must be ways for the modern interior designer and clients in Bangalore to evoke some of these concepts and bring them into our current spaces, whether it’s living room design, bedroom design, or something as small as the design of your products. The move back to concepts that are naturally soothing for us allows for the marriage of good design, great architecture, and a perfect overall ambiance for residences. Let us talk about ways to bring nature into the various spaces of your home and embrace biophilic interior design.

1. Creating visual relationships with nature: As any interior designer or architect practicing in Bangalore already knows, Bangalore as a city is full of natural elements, lakes, trees, etc. The focus of any interior design would be to keep as much of the natural elements as possible, bring in as many new ones as you can and create soothing organic shapes that one would see in nature, wherever one has the opportunity to play with form.

2. The use of sensory elements to create multi-dimensional space: If you’ve ever been in a forest you will know that it is not just one sense that overwhelms you. You could close your eyes in the forest and still know exactly where you are. Biophilic interior design requires the use of multiple sensory elements (olfactory, auditory, visual, etc) to create an experience that leaves you feeling fulfilled in more ways than one. One can bring this in via the furnishings, decor, etc.

3. The intentional use of dynamic lighting: One of the key features of biophilia is using light, and specifically filtered light, in a way that is similar to natural ambient light, in order to create the feeling of being as close to nature as possible.

4. Presence of water : Architecturally we know that water is an element that not only causes a literal cooling effect but an emotional one as well. When in nature, especially in dense vegetation, one will notice that a congregated source of water is never too far away. It is how animals and plants survive and as humans as well, we gravitate towards the water. Whether it’s the ocean, lake or rivers, it’s no surprise that we will travel long distances just to connect and be one with water. Bringing water into your home gives this effect constantly and keeps the energy of the space light and calming.

5. The use of natural elements themselves : A home and it’s energy are largely dictated by the materials that go into the kitchens, bedrooms, common spaces, etc. Bangalore is very lucky as it’s architects and interior designers have vast access to natural materials and love using them. The experience level your designers will have with natural elements in Bangalore is likely to be very high.

This is why we suggest that if you’re looking for home decor ideas, or interior design tips, biophilia is a good place to start and a great new design language to explore, especially if you are as obsessed with designing the perfect quality of living, just like we are. For great home interiors and architecture please contact us at Design 2 Build Spaces, and we will show you how you can create a biophilic space, right here in Bangalore, India!

Shop our range of biophilic products here.

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